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Obrázek epizody Program 9: Careers

Funky Phrasals – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Program 9: Careers

Obrázek epizody Program 9: Careers

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8. 8. 2019

7 min

CAREERS • to get in - dostat se někam (na univerzitu, do prestižní firmy) • to take over - žít jenom (prací, dětmi…), život se točí jen kolem… Vicki: do you have a glittering career? Is it all you even dreamed it would be? Well-paid, nice office, company car? Matt: how are you getting on at work? Vicki: how well are things going for you at work? Vicki: maybe you’ve been lucky enough to land a dream job in your ideal company. Matt: you’ve got your dream job. Mind you, it was difficult to get in. Vicki: it was difficult to get employed by that company. Matt: but you got through the interviews and tests. Vicki: yes, you managed to pass the tests and were successful in the interviews, and... Matt: you got in! Vicki: so Mat, how are you getting on at work? Matt: how am I getting on? Oh, fine. In fact, I’ve just been promoted. Vicki: oh, so you’ve got a more important job now - that’s great. You really are heading for the top! Vicki: a word of warning though! Once you’ve been promoted you may find you have to work harder and harder, and work longer and longer hours.... Before you know it the job can take over your life! Matt: actually, you could be right, I think this job is taking over my life! Příklady: 1. To get in: It’s really difficult to get in to oxford university. 2. To take over: I started playing badminton as a hobby but it’s completely taken over my life now - I play every day. VOCABULARY: glittering - zářivý, zářný company car - služební auto to get employed by - být zaměstnán (někým) successful - úspěšný to be promoted - být povýšen to head for - mířit warning - varování before you know it - než se naděješ hobby - koníček CVIČENÍ (přeložte): 1. Můj syn se dostal na jednu z nejlepších škol v kraji. 2. Od té doby, co mám děti, tak se můj život točí jenom kolem nich!