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Obrázek epizody Program 7: Clothes

Funky Phrasals – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Program 7: Clothes

Obrázek epizody Program 7: Clothes

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10. 8. 2019

7 min

CLOTHES • to try on - zkusit si/ zkoušet si • to dress up - slušně, svátečně, slavnostně se obléknout, “vyfiknout se” • to put on - vzít si na sebe/obléknout si, nasadit si (brýle, klobouk) studio manager on talkback: Callum’s just arrived – so we’ll start in 30 seconds … Vicki:: oh there you are, Callum, at last … where have you been? You’re late! Callum:: I’m sorry … I’m sorry I’m late … I went shopping … and I forgot all about the programme Vicki: well, you’re here now: thank goodness! Callum: Just in time. Vicki: ooh - what’s in your bags? Callum: I’ve just been buying some new clothes – I’ve got a brand new outfit. Vicki: wow! That’s fantastic … because first today, I want to talk about clothes and what we wear. Vicki: why don’t you tell us about your shopping trip and your new outfit. Callum: I love to try on new clothes. Vicki: yes, I like seeing if clothes in shops fit me or not, too. Callum: I’m doing some TV work later, and I have to dress up. Vicki: yes, you better wear smart clothes if you’re going on TV. Callum: so that’s why I bought this new outfit, Vicki. I’m going to put on this brand new suit and tie! Vicki: very nice. Well I’m not putting on smart clothes later - I’ve got to do some gardening so I need to wear my scruffy old clothes instead. Příklady: 1. To try on: I’d love to borrow your jacket - can I try it on to see if it fits? 2. To dress up: I’m going to a wedding next week - I’m really going to dress up. I’ve got a silk dress and a new pair of high heeled shoes. 3. To put on: You better put your coat on - it’s cold outside! VOCABULARY: brand new outfit - zbrusu nové oblečení to fit - být akorát, sedět clothes - oblečení, něco na sebe smart - elegantní (chytrý) scruffy old clothes - špinavé, zmačkané staré oblečení jacket - sako wedding - svatba silk - hedvábný (hedvábí) high heeled shoes - boty na vysokém podpatku (lodičky) CVIČENÍ (přeložte): 1. Když si kupuji něco na sebe, tak si to vždycky nejdřív vyzkouším. 2. Na přijímací pohovor byste se měli slušně obléknout. 3. Musím si nasadit sluneční brýle, protože strašně svítí slunce.