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Obrázek epizody Program 2: Upbringing

Funky Phrasals – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Program 2: Upbringing

Obrázek epizody Program 2: Upbringing

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15. 8. 2019

6 min

UPBRINGING • to stand up for yourself - nenechat si nic líbit, umět se prosadit, nenechat se manipulovat • to get on with - vycházet s někým, snášet se Vicki: so your upbringing - the way your parents brought you up, wasn’t too strict? Callum: well, I was always told to be polite and have respect and so on, but they tried to let me make my own mistakes. I think it was because they wanted me to be able to stand up for myself. Vicki: well, yes - being able to ‘stand up for yourself’, being independent and confident is important! Callum: yeah, you need to stand up for yourself in this world … Vicki: anyway, what about brothers and sisters? Do you have any? Vicki: do you get on with your brother/sister, Callum? Callum: … yes, we get on well - we have a great time when we see each other. Vicki: so you get on well now, but what about when you were children? Didn’t you ever used to fight? Callum: well sometimes of course, but even as children we got on quite well - we used to play together a lot. Vicki: well you were very lucky - I didn’t get on with my brother very well at all when we were children - we used to argue about everything! Příklady: 1. To stand up for yourself: You really should stand up for yourself more - don’t let your friends tell you what to do so much! 2. To get on with: I like most of my colleagues, but I just don’t get on very well with Suzanne. VOCABULARY: polite - zdvořilý mistake - chyba confident - být si jistý, seběvědomý to fight - prát se, hádat se to argue - hádat se CVIČENÍ (přeložte): 1. Musíš se ozvat! 2. My spolu moc nevycházíme