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Obrázek epizody Program 19: Round-the-world trip

Funky Phrasals – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Program 19: Round-the-world trip

Obrázek epizody Program 19: Round-the-world trip

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29. 7. 2019

7 min

ROUND-THE-WORLD TRIP • to see someone off - vyprovodit někoho • to touch down - přistát Vicki: Wow, that looks like a long email you’re reading there… Matt: Yes, it’s from my friend Peter who has just started a round-the-world trip. Vicki: Wow – he’s going round the world – how exciting! So did you go with him to the airport to say goodbye to him? Matt: Yes I went to see him off at the airport last week. He sounds like he’s having a great time. Vicki: So tell us more about your friend’s trip. Matt: Well, after I saw him off at the airport, he took a plane to Australia! Vicki: What a great start! Where in Australia? Sydney? Perth? Matt: Actually his plane touched down in Melbourne. He’s going to travel all around Australia. Vicki: So, his plane touched down - it landed, in Melbourne. I’d love to go there. But I think he’s really brave travelling around on his own. Matt: Well I’m sure he’ll meet lots of people while he’s travelling. Vicki: That’s true. Příklady: 1. To see someone off: When my brother went to university in Manchester, I went to the station to see him off. 2. To touch down: Please keep your seatbelts fastened and your mobile phones switched off until the plane has touched down. VOCABULARY: round-the-world trip - cesta kolem světa to say goodbye - rozloučit se travel all around - cestovat po brave - odvážný, statečný on his own - sám to meet - potkat seatbelt - záchranný pás fastened - zapnutý CVIČENÍ (přeložte): 1. Jel jsem ho vyprovodit na letiště. 2. Hned, jak letadlo přistálo, tak jsem se uklidnil.