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Obrázek epizody Program 16: Date II

Funky Phrasals – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Program 16: Date II

Obrázek epizody Program 16: Date II

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1. 8. 2019

7 min

DATE • to fall out - pohádat se, rozejít se, přestat milovat • to break up - rozejít se • to make up - smířit se • to get over someone - zapomenout na někoho, s kým jste chodili, přebolet (už to přebolelo), překonat smutek Vicki: so, if someone’s stood you up, the next time you see them, you’ll probably argue! Matt: you’ll fall out! Vicki: that’s right you’ll argue or quarrel. And you might even decide to end the relationship. Matt: you might decide to break up. Vicki: but sometimes, people break up, and then they make up again! Matt: yes, they even though they decided to end the relationship, they stop arguing and think they’ll give it another try. Vicki: yes some couples seem to be breaking up and making up again all the time! Matt: you fall out; you break up; you make up… and then you fall out again.... Vicki: so relationship’s over.... Matt: yeah. That’s it. It’s the end. You never want to see them again as long as you live! Vicki: it’s not easy though is it? If someone was really special to you. Matt: no. You need time to get over them! Vicki: that’s right - you need some time to get used to life without them, to accept the end of the relationship. So, you get on with your life, meet someone new.... And the whole thing starts over again!!!! Let’s hope it goes better this time. Příklady: 1. To fall out: My uncle fell out with my dad years ago and now they don’t speak to each other. 2. To break up: I think her marriage is breaking up - she’s headed for a divorce. 3. To make up: We had our first argument the other day, but now we’ve kissed and made up. 4. To get over: It took him almost a year to get over her. VOCABULARY: to argue - hádat se to quarrel - hádat se mít, spor to decide - rozhodnout se relationship - poměr, vztah uncle - strýc divorce - rozvod to kiss - líbat, políbit CVIČENÍ (přeložte): 1. Když jsme začali mluvit o politice, tak jsme se pohádali. 2. Asi se rozejdu se svým klukem. 3. Už jsme se mnohokrát rozešli, ale vždycky se nakonec zase udobříme. 4. Byla velice smutná, když se rozešla s partnerem, ale už "se z něj vyléčila".