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Obrázek epizody Programme 8: Doing the Exam:Exam Technique

Exam Skills – Angličtina Youradio Talk

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Programme 8: Doing the Exam:Exam Technique

Obrázek epizody Programme 8: Doing the Exam:Exam Technique

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12. 8. 2019

6 min

Male student: I try to concentrate and not to think about the result, and not to think about the person who is sitting in front of me. I try to imagine as I’m, I’m doing it for myself. This is my way. Stepanka: Try to concentrate on your own knowledge and just be aware of the fact that you’ve done the most for the exam. Think only about yourself and only about the exam. knowledge - znalosti be aware of - uvědomovat si Mark Shea : During the exam itself, time management is essential. Doing an exam successfully is to a large extent a question of good time management. If you’ve done practice exams before, you should have a good idea of how long each part should take you, and when you have to hurry. Take a big clock into the exam room with you, but not one that ticks too loudly. time management - rozvrhnout si čas to a large extent - z velké míry to hurry - spěchat to tick - tikat Mark Shea: Some exam rooms have large clocks on the wall, but if you haven’t seen the exam room before you won’t know that. My advice is to take a digital alarm clock, something with really big numbers that you can see really easily, rather than a small wristwatch which is going to take you time to actually see. And divide the exam into parts, and make sure you spend the right amount of time on each part. wristwatch - náramkové hodinky to divide - rozdělit the right amount of time - odpovídající čas Mark Shea: Remember you don’t necessarily have to do the exam in the order that is written on the paper. You might want to do the part that carries the most marks first. carries the most marks - počítá se za něj nejvíc bodů Karen Adams: Planning your time will help you get all the way through to the end of the exam paper, and to do your best in all of the questions. Karen Adams: One of the main problems that lots of people have in exams is that they know lots of things, but they don’t actually answer the question. This means that you can’t actually score very good marks. So remember, do read the question carefully. Mark Shea : Arrive early. Take a big clock, keep an eye on the time. Do the parts that carry the most marks first, and make sure you know how much time you have for each part of the exam. to keep an eye - sledovat Karen Adams: Pay very close attention to the instructions, so that you can be sure you’re really answering the question. Karen Adams: When you leave the exam room, remember, you’ve done your best and it’s over. There is no point in worrying about what you’ve actually done. So try to leave the exam behind when you leave the exam room. Don’t spend lots of time with your friends comparing what you wrote, comparing what you think you said. [Quite often it’s difficult to remember what you actually did say.] When you leave the exam room, remember, leave the exam behind. it’s over - skončilo to to leave behind - zapomenout, vypustit to compare - porovnávat