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Obrázek epizody Programme 7: The Day Before and On the Day

Exam Skills – Angličtina Youradio Talk

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Programme 7: The Day Before and On the Day

Obrázek epizody Programme 7: The Day Before and On the Day

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13. 8. 2019

6 min

Stepanka: Work hard before your exams. Try to really cover all the things you think are necessary to be covered. But don’t revise the evening before the exam. Just go for a walk, or listen to relaxing music, so you feel quite well in the morning before the exam and just don’t panic, don’t be nervous and you will do fine. to cover - probrat, projít just don’t panic - hlavně nepropadejte panice Mark Shea: You need to remember that everybody is nervous before exams. It’s not just you. Stress is part of the adrenalin in your system preparing yourself to perform, and it can help you. Also you need to remember it’s only an English Language exam, it’s not the end of the world. If you’ve chosen the right exam, and you’ve done all the coursework, you’ll pass. And if you don’t, you can always take the exam again. to perform - podat výkon Anna: I try not to think about it. Especially one day before I try to relax - don’t repeat anything, because then I’m really confused. So I just go and I think ok it’s once, it will be only 2 hours, and then I’m free. confused - zmatený, popletený Karen Adams: Remember too to take all of the materials that you’re supposed to take with you. Often you need to take a form of identification with you to an exam room, if you’re doing an international exam for example. a form of identification - průkaz totožnosti Mark Shea: First of all you need to arrive early for the exam. You need to know where the exam’s taking place and make sure that you’re there in good time. No-one needs the stress of rushing around to try and find an exam room. to take place - konat se rushing around - zmateně pobíhat Karen Adams: Try to arrive at the exam venue in plenty of time, so you can find out where the room is, what you need to do ahead of time, and get yourself something to drink or maybe something to eat. exam venue - místo, kde se zkouška koná plenty of time - spoustu času, s předstihem Noriko: If I’m really really nervous then I could do something wrong, very silly mistakes, even before the exam starts like [forget writing my name down, or] forget to put necessary items on the table, things like that. [But I’m not really a person who gets nervous so I’m lucky.] I try to think about something else actually before the exam. And when I’m calmed down I try to think calmly about what is happening at the moment. silly - hloupý writing my name down - podepsat se items - předměty to calm down - uklidnit se Mark Shea: Just get some sleep, don’t revise, and arrive bright and fresh for the exam. bright and fresh - "bystrý a čerstvý"