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Obrázek epizody Programme 5: Revising Strategies

Exam Skills – Angličtina Youradio Talk

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Programme 5: Revising Strategies

Obrázek epizody Programme 5: Revising Strategies

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15. 8. 2019

6 min

Alexander: You know right from the beginning sort of that that’s what you’re working towards and then it’s up to everyone to strategise in whatever way works best for them. it’s up to everyone - je na každém z vás Mark Shea : It’s a good idea to draw up a revision timetable and stick to it. Remember that language learning takes a long time. It’s a slow process of absorption. So you need to start revising very early, and don’t think that you can learn new things the night before the exam. to draw up - sestavit, navrhnout, koncipovat timetable - rozvrh, plán to stick to it - držet se ho, dodržovat Karen Adams: Don’t try to push everything into the last two or three days before the exam, try to work towards it gradually, and leave a day before the exam where you don’t study anything, where you just relax, and think about how much you’ve learnt already. to push everything - nechat/odsunout vše (do dvou posledních dnů) Ahmed: I try to stay concentrated in the class, to follow what the teacher says. And then when I go back home I look back at my day’s work every night. to follow - sledovat, dávat pozor Ahmed: For myself, good notes help me to learn a lot of things. Even when I go back home and try to revise, I write it a second time. Maybe it’s a summary or something like that, but it helps me to remember things. So yeah for me notes are really important. notes - poznámky summary - souhrn, shrnutí Anna: Every day I try to revise minimum (pron manimum) for half an hour, listening, reading, vocabulary and speaking. Karen Adams: Don’t try to read everything that you’ve covered during your course. Don’t try to memorise everything. It’s important for you to think about what you’ve learnt, and how you use it. This is particularly important in English Language exams because the questions are unpredictable. You need to think about 'How do I use this bit of language? What can I say using this bit of language?' So don’t try to memorise everything, but think about how you are going to use the language. to cover - probrat to memorise - naučit se nazpaměť unpredictable - nepředvídatelný Stepanka : Well the thing that always works for me is when I revise with a classmate, so we revise together, and we check each other’s answers, and discuss mistakes, or errors we make. That helps me really a lot. it works for me - to mi vyhovuje classmate - spolužák mistakes, errors - chyby Karen Adams: First: don’t try to memorise everything, but think about how you use language. And second: plan your programme of revision, and don’t leave it until the last minute.