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Obrázek epizody Lekce 24: Machines

English Express – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Lekce 24: Machines

Obrázek epizody Lekce 24: Machines

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27. 7. 2019

5 min

You have problems with a ticket machine at the train station. Lístek nevypadl a peníze zůstaly v automatu. Vy chcete své peníze samozřejmě zpátky: I’d like a refund, please. Can I have my money back? Pokud osoba, s kterou hovoříte, vám nemůže a nebo není ochotna pomoci, můžete si vyžádat někoho jiného anebo přímo vedoucího: Is there someone else I can speak to? Can I speak to the manager please? Hugh The money’s stuck, I need the ticket, my train’s coming in a minute. I don’t need a form, I need a ticket. Emma Yeah. I appreciate that, sir, but the system is that I’m afraid for the moment you’ll have to buy another ticket … er … because if the money is stuck in the machine, I can’t physically get it out. I don’t have keys to access the machine. And that happens later in the day. Hugh Fine… fine … yeah, I understand that … but can I have my money back … now? Emma You, unfortunately, can’t have your money back this minute … Hugh … but I don’t have enough money to buy another ticket, and I need to get on the train. The only money I have is now stuck in that machine … Emma Er … Hugh … and I need to buy another ticket, and a form really isn’t much use to me. Look, I know, I know this isn’t your fault, but … is there someone else I can speak to, please? I’d like to speak to the manager, please. Emma Very well, sir. I’ll call him. If you just wait there.