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Obrázek epizody Lekce 18: Making an Appointment

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Lekce 18: Making an Appointment

Obrázek epizody Lekce 18: Making an Appointment

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2. 8. 2019

4 min

Když si domlouváte návštěvu u doktora, bude se vám hodit fráze: Some time next week (někdy příští týden), pokud se vám nabízený termín nehodí, hodí se vám naopak slovo: dříve/ později: Have you got anything earlier? Have you got anything later? A pokud bude termín vyhovovat, můžete říct: That’s fine. Aby nedošlo k omylu, jeden nebo druhý může ke konci konverzace zopakovat, na kdy jste se dohodli: OK. So that’s ten o’clock on Wednesday with Doctor Smith. Hugh Hello, doctor’s surgery. Emma Hello. I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor, please. Dr Moer, please. Hugh Right. Dr Moer, let’s have a look. Erm … well, the first appointment we’ve got is Wednesday – one forty-five on Wednesday. Is that any good to you? Emma Wednesday … er … no … I’m afraid that’s no good. I can’t make it then. Hugh Right. Emma Er … have you got anything earlier? Hugh Well, we haven’t at the moment, I’m afraid. Er … [The only thing we may have is a cancellation … or you can come along before 12 o’clock and just sort of take your turn, on a first come, first served basis. So, why don’t you book that one for Wednesday … and then if anything else comes up in the meantime, I’ll give you a ring. Emma It’s just it’s quite urgent, really. I was hoping to get an appointment as soon as possible, you know. Hugh You could see doctor Phillips. Emma No! No that’s no use … I just would prefer to see a lady, if that’s all right, you know. Hugh Yes, of course. Well, as I said, the earliest I can book you in is Wednesday. So, if that’s any use … Emma Well, it’ll have to be, I suppose. I’ll take that. So, when’s that? Hugh That’s Wednesday, one forty-five, one forty-five on Wednesday. Emma One forty-five ... that’s this Wednesday? Hugh That’s correct. Emma OK. All right. Hugh Thanks very much. Emma Thank you Hugh Bye-bye Emma Bye.