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Obrázek epizody Lekce 14: Arranging an  Outing

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Lekce 14: Arranging an Outing

Obrázek epizody Lekce 14: Arranging an  Outing

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6. 8. 2019

5 min

Při kupování vstupenek musíte uvést - kromě názvu hry a času: where you want to sit, and how much you want to pay and they will certainly ask about payment! (jakým způsobem budete platit) Emma Hello. Box office. Hugh Yeah. Have you got any tickets for “Romeo and Juliet” on Thursday night? Emma Is that this Thursday, sir? Hugh Yes please. Emma Yeah. Just one moment, please. How many seats are you looking for? Hugh Erm … four, please. Emma Four. Yes, we do this Thursday. I can do four seats for you. Where would you like to sit? Hugh Well - how much do they cost? Emma Ł14 for the circle Hugh Ł14 for the circle, right Emma I can give you Ł25 in the stalls, sir. Hugh Oh. Twenty-five … that’s a bit expensive. Er … circle seats then, please. Sort of as near the middle as possible? Emma Huh-huh. Now, paying - how are you intending to pay, sir? How would you like to pay? Hugh Well, can I pick them up from the box office before the show? Emma You can. If you do that, sir, you have to collect them half an hour before the show or we … Hugh That’s fine … Emma … release any unpaid tickets. Hugh That’s fine. Emma As long as you understand that. Hugh Mmm. Emma Ok. So, I’ll go ahead and confirm that booking for you. Hugh Yes, please. Emma That’s four adult tickets at Ł14 in the circle next Thursday. Hugh That’s right. Emma Right. Lovely. Na otázku: “Jak budete platit?” zákazník odpovídá otázkou, jestli by mohl lístky zaplatit, až si je bude vyzvedávat před představením.