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Obrázek epizody Lekce 13: Arranging an  Outing

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Lekce 13: Arranging an Outing

Obrázek epizody Lekce 13: Arranging an  Outing

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7. 8. 2019

4 min

Když kupuje vstupenku do divadla po telefonu, pokladní potřebuje znát základní informace: You’ll need to say the name of the play, when you want to see it and how many tickets you want. Slovíčka pokladna (v divadle, kině apod) - the box office přízemí the stalls balkon the circle Emma Hello. Box office. Hugh Yeah. Have you got any tickets for “Romeo and Juliet” on Thursday night? Emma Is that this Thursday, sir? Hugh Yes please. Emma Yeah. Just one moment, please. How many seats are you looking for? Hugh Erm … four, please. Emma Four. Yes, we do this Thursday. I can do four seats for you. Where would you like to sit? Hugh Well - how much do they cost? Emma Ł14 for the circle Hugh Ł14 for the circle, right Emma I can give you Ł25 in the stalls, sir. Užitečné obraty: I’d like to book two tickets for “Romeo and Juliet” When would you like to see the play? Where would you like to sit? … In the circle? Or in the stalls?