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Obrázek epizody Towards the City (Beginner)

Easy Stories in English

Ariel Goodbody

Osobní rozvoj

Towards the City (Beginner)

Obrázek epizody Towards the City (Beginner)

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7. 4. 2020

18 min

King Nisos tells his son, Byzas, to go and build his own city. But Byzas and his men cannot find a good place to build. So he goes to the Oracle of Apollo to ask for help, and she tells him that he will build his city opposite the Land of the Blind. But what could that mean?

Today's story is Towards the City . Go to for the full transcript. Level: Beginner Genre: Myths & Legends Vocabulary: Kings and Queens, Building, Greece, Travelling, Drinking Setting: Ancient Word Count: 751 Author: Ferhat Uzuner

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