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Obrázek epizody Traditions iconiques - The Tour de France

Duolingo French Podcast





Traditions iconiques - The Tour de France

Obrázek epizody Traditions iconiques - The Tour de France

Poslechněte si podcast

12. 7. 2022

23 min

O epizodě podcastu

Le Tour de France is a legendary bicycle race in France. But to cycling enthusiast Claire Floret, there’s something terribly wrong with it: women aren’t allowed to compete. So in order to make things right, she created a brand new cycling challenge.

A transcript of this episode is available at

Le Tour de France is a legendary bicycle race in France. But to cycling enthusiast Claire Floret, there’s something terribly wrong with it: women aren’t allowed to compete. So in order to make things right, she created a brand new cycling challenge.

A transcript of this episode is available at .