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Obrázek podcastu Dj Goldstar podcast

Podcast Dj Goldstar podcast

1 epizoda

0 odběratelů

Goldstar Dj / Promoter funk, soul, jazz, groove, afro, latin, breakz, hiphop PressKit: Goldstar play with: Ugly Duckling (US), Ray Lugo (Kokolo, US), Krafty Kuts (UK), A-Skillz (UK), BadBoe (DK), Valique (CCCP), Lack Of Afro (UK), The Dirty Dubsters & Johnny Pluse (IRL), Marc Hype (DE), Funkanomics (DE), Quincy Jointz (DE), Jayl Funk (DE), Shantisan (AT), Jorg RecordShack(AT), Romano Gemini(AT), Dj Bebe (ESP), Dj Wout (BEL), Zamali (BEL), Mr Confuse (DE), Da Wiesel (DE), Nick Recordkicks (IT), Suspect (FR), Banderas (CH), Tobias Kirmayer (DE), Vladee Jay (BG), Kinski (DE), Soulservice dj team (PL), Teskko (PL), Kid Buttons (PL), The Sensational Luciano (PL), Boogie (PL),....... Goldstar has played on the Czech Electronic Scene since 1996 1996 - 2004 Rise of Eta djs sound systém and Coproduction of free tekno parties in CZ 2004 -2010 -Music produce in Clubs and Bars (Guru, Le Mirage, Tyt MC) -Extends his recordbag and play Breakbeat, Funk, Soul, Jungle,Hiphop,Electro and more -Rise of "Mash up Funk party" with worldwide funky - breaks Djs -Rise of Afromission Party 2011 -Rise of Funk Masters Party (Ghetto Funk Party with 14 djs around the world) -Rise of Czech Funk Group (Group for Czech Djs and Producers from Prague like and play old czech grooves, jazz, funk beat, etc...) 2012 -Czech Grooves mixtape with intro from Marie Rottrova & Michal Prokop -Rise of Get Fonky Radio Show with Dj Brada at Street Culture Radio 2013-2018 -Has played and travel with his recordbag around the europe 2019 -Moving to Ibiza and there has a Dj Residency at Bamboo Bar Ibiza