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Obrázek epizody Ep. 042: Karin Tsai - How Duolingo grew to over 300 million learners and became a unicorn from Pittsburgh

Digital Innovation Chat

Jan Kartusek


Ep. 042: Karin Tsai - How Duolingo grew to over 300 million learners and became a unicorn from Pittsburgh

Obrázek epizody Ep. 042: Karin Tsai - How Duolingo grew to over 300 million learners and became a unicorn from Pittsburgh

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11. 12. 2020

24 min

Karin Tsai is a Director of Engineering at Duolingo, is the most popular language-learning platform and the most downloaded education app in the world, with more than 300 million users.

In December 2019 Duolingo was valued at $1.5 billion, making it Pittsburgh’s first startup to reach "unicorn" status.

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