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Obrázek epizody Ep. 002: Daniel Mackey - Bootstrapping to $30M ARR

Digital Innovation Chat

Jan Kartusek


Ep. 002: Daniel Mackey - Bootstrapping to $30M ARR

Obrázek epizody Ep. 002: Daniel Mackey - Bootstrapping to $30M ARR

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21. 5. 2020

36 min

In today's episode, Jan interviews Daniel Mackey who's the founder and CTO of, which is a collaboration software that includes work management, helpdesk, chat, sales CRM and content collaboration workspace.

We're going to discuss how Daniel bootstrapped a $30M ARR business as a small agency owner from Cork. You're also going to learn why Daniel spent 500K euros on a domain, how he organizes his 125 engineers across 5 offices globally and what is the future for