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Obrázek epizody DEEP TALKS 32: Felix Zeltner - Co-founder at Work Awesome, Journalist and Author [ENG]


Petr Ludwig



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DEEP TALKS 32: Felix Zeltner - Co-founder at Work Awesome, Journalist and Author [ENG]

Obrázek epizody DEEP TALKS 32: Felix Zeltner - Co-founder at Work Awesome, Journalist and Author [ENG]

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1. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

Felix is curating one of the biggest conferences about the future of work in New York City - Work Awesome. He also wrote a book STADTNOMADEN about his experience of living in 12 New York neighborhoods in 12 months with his wife and newborn kid. In our interview, we are discussing modern trends in the workplace and company culture, and how to enjoy our working life more. How will AI influence our future work? How to find purpose at work?


Full version:

Our new English YouTube channel:

Deep Talks [ENG]:

Felix is curating one of the biggest conferences about the future of work in New York City - Work Awesome. He also wrote a book STADTNOMADEN about his experience of living in 12 New York neighborhoods in 12 months with his wife and newborn kid. In our interview, we are discussing modern trends in the workplace and company culture, and how to enjoy our working life more. How will AI influence our future work? How to find purpose at work?


Full version:

Our new English YouTube channel:

Deep Talks [ENG]:



Petr Ludwig , the author of the book The End of Procrastination , invites guests that do something meaningful and together they discuss topics like personal values, purpose at work and life, or how to improve today's society.