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Obrázek epizody Hyde Park Civilizace - Joe Navarro ENG




Hyde Park Civilizace - Joe Navarro ENG

Obrázek epizody Hyde Park Civilizace - Joe Navarro ENG

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8. 3. 2021

54 min

“I always say that words don't matter. It's all in the language of the body.” Says the nonverbal communication expert Joe Navarro who served for 25 years in the FBI. He led more than 13,000 interviews in which he focused even on seemingly irrelevant details to find out key information. He played a key role in the conviction of Roderick Ramsay, who during the Cold War helped to steal and sell defence plans of NATO countries to the Soviet Union. How do our bodies talk? Which aspects of nonverbal communication did he use to obtain the confession of a spy? And how did he, as a Cuban refugee, end up in the FBI?