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Obrázek epizody Oksana Dutchak - Peace does not only concern security, but also economic and social rights



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Oksana Dutchak - Peace does not only concern security, but also economic and social rights

Obrázek epizody Oksana Dutchak - Peace does not only concern security, but also economic and social rights

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22. 10. 2022

49 min

O epizodě podcastu

The podcast Crossroads invites Oksana Dutchak who is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Social and Labour Research (Kyiv) and a co-editor of Commons: Journal of Social Criticism. She is an activist of Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational or E.A.S.T. and one of the initiators of the manifesto ‘“The right to resist”: A feminist manifesto’. She holds a PhD in sociology from the Department of Sociology in Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Kyiv) and an MA in sociology and social anthropology from the Central European University. She is now a Fellow at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research. She has published extensively on labour issues, labour protests, gender inequality, socio-economic inequality.

► Follow Global Conflicts and Local Interactions
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► podcast was recorded at the studio Mr. Wombat
► sound mix Ondřej Bělíček
► sound design Ondřej Bělíček

The podcast Crossroads invites Oksana Dutchak who is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Social and Labour Research (Kyiv) and a co-editor of Commons: Journal of Social Criticism. She is an activist of Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational or E.A.S.T. and one of the initiators of the manifesto ‘“The right to resist”: A feminist manifesto’. She holds a PhD in sociology from the Department of Sociology in Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Kyiv) and an MA in sociology and social anthropology from the Central European University. She is now a Fellow at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research. She has published extensively on labour issues, labour protests, gender inequality, socio-economic inequality.

► Follow Global Conflicts and Local Interactions
► Do you like Crossroads? Support our work

► podcast was recorded at the studio Mr. Wombat
► sound mix Ondřej Bělíček
► sound design Ondřej Bělíček