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Obrázek epizody Mukul Sharma - Promoting yoga or vegetarianism ignores the culture and perspective of the lowest castes



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Mukul Sharma - Promoting yoga or vegetarianism ignores the culture and perspective of the lowest castes

Obrázek epizody Mukul Sharma - Promoting yoga or vegetarianism ignores the culture and perspective of the lowest castes

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13. 12. 2024

51 min

The guest of the podcast Crossroads was political scientist Mukul Sharma. We talked about what the experiences of India's lowest castes can bring to the climate justice debate.  How do touch, taste and smell relate to climate justice? Why do India's lowest castes dislike environmentalists? How have Hindu conservatives appropriated environmental issues and why have they joined the fight against climate change, unlike the Western right? And can yoga really be a cure for the climate crisis? Indian political scientist Mukul Sharma talks about all this, and how to conduct research among the lowest castes from the position of a privileged intellectual, in a new episode of the podcast Crossroads.