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Obrázek epizody #Reality - Adriana Skálová | (CZ) Jaký je dobrý konec lidského života?

CreativeMornings Prague

CreativeMornings Prague


#Reality - Adriana Skálová | (CZ) Jaký je dobrý konec lidského života?

Obrázek epizody #Reality - Adriana Skálová | (CZ) Jaký je dobrý konec lidského života?

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15. 3. 2019

23 min

Co-founder and volunteer at Cesta domů, organization that helps the dying and their families, talks about what we fear and if there is something such as good ending.

Adriana Skálová co-founded a non profit organization called Cesta domů (the way home). It has been taking care of the dying and their families and has been helping them to let them pass away the way they want. What do we fear most when we have to face the REALITY?