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Obrázek epizody #Anxiety - Marie Salomonová | (CZ) Úzkost a duševní hygiena

CreativeMornings Prague

CreativeMornings Prague


#Anxiety - Marie Salomonová | (CZ) Úzkost a duševní hygiena

Obrázek epizody #Anxiety - Marie Salomonová | (CZ) Úzkost a duševní hygiena

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12. 2. 2019

35 min

Marie is the leader of the NGO “Nevypusť duši”, which she co-founded in 2015. Their aim is to raise awareness about mental health through workshops and educational programs for young people, starting with school-aged children.

She studied Neuroscience at the University of Nottingham, where she took part in the Student Minds project and the campaign Time to Change. While finishing her degree, she gained experience in clinical research and at the same time started her own initiative with her friend Tereza. They soon turned Nevypusť duši into a successfull non-profit organization, bringing mental health education to schools, debunking common myths and therefore breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and diseases.