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Obrázek epizody Pan Am Flight 103 Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

Parcast Network

True Crime





Pan Am Flight 103 Pt. 1

Obrázek epizody Pan Am Flight 103 Pt. 1

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10. 6. 2022

36 min

O epizodě podcastu

Days before Christmas 1988, scorched metal rained from the sky over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. Its source: Pan Am flight 103, headed from London to New York. The explosion killed 270 people and was declared a terrorist attack by investigators. The only question: Who was responsible?  Countdown to the CULTS book release! Parcast’s first book hits shelves July 12th. It’s an unflinching exploration of shame, secrecy, power, exploitation, and destruction. Learn more at!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Days before Christmas 1988, scorched metal rained from the sky over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. Its source: Pan Am flight 103, headed from London to New York. The explosion killed 270 people and was declared a terrorist attack by investigators. The only question: Who was responsible?  Countdown to the CULTS book release! Parcast’s first book hits shelves July 12th. It’s an unflinching exploration of shame, secrecy, power, exploitation, and destruction. Learn more at!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit