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Obrázek epizody HAARP Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

Parcast Network

True Crime






Obrázek epizody HAARP Pt. 2

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27. 5. 2020

46 min

O epizodě podcastu

When a major earthquake hit the Caribbean in 2010, conspiracy theorists started studying the skies—noting peculiar low-frequency wavelengths. Between environmental catastrophes, a failed NASA mission, and government mind control technologies, HAARP's weather-modifying apparatus has been blamed for altering far more than just the weather.
When a major earthquake hit the Caribbean in 2010, conspiracy theorists started studying the skies—noting peculiar low-frequency wavelengths. Between environmental catastrophes, a failed NASA mission, and government mind control technologies, HAARP's weather-modifying apparatus has been blamed for altering far more than just the weather. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit