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Obrázek epizody Programme 7 - Group nouns - animals

Confusing English – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Programme 7 - Group nouns - animals

Obrázek epizody Programme 7 - Group nouns - animals

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13. 8. 2019

6 min

And when he moved to London... it’s like he never really adapted, he still speaks in English, but all his expressions or the way he talks, there’s always some anecdote or a word referring to farming. And he always goes, like: the people he works with – “You have to watch them like cattle”. His colleagues always held him in great affection and they always go: “Oh, well, Enrique, you can’t get the cattle these days” rather than ‘the staff these days are no good”. to be brought up - být vychován expression - výraz (jazykový) to adapt - přizpůsobit se anecdote - kratičká historka cattle - dobytek, stádo staff - zaměstnanci shoal of fish - hejno ryb pack of dogs - smečka psů flock of seagulls - hejno racků THERE ARE OTHER WORDS IN ENGLISH USED TO TALK ABOUT A PARTICULAR GROUP OF ANIMALS. HOWEVER, IF YOU’RE NOT SURE WHICH ONE TO USE, IT’S ALWAYS SAFE TO REFER TO THEM AS ‘GROUP’. ALSO, IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF THE VERB THAT GOES WITH THEM SHOULD BE SINGULAR OR PLURAL, CHECK YOUR DICTIONARY. Cvičení 7 Zakončete podle smyslu: a group of birds is ……….. a flock of birds is ……….. a group of wolves is ……….. a pack of wolves is ……….. a group of fish is ………..