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Obrázek epizody  Programme 4 - Double meanings

Confusing English – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Programme 4 - Double meanings

Obrázek epizody  Programme 4 - Double meanings

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16. 8. 2019

5 min

And one day in the office we were talking about some place somewhere in the north of England, and one of my colleagues said: “Oh, in this place – in the North of England - they’ve got a huge nuclear plant”. And a colleague of mine... she says: “Oh, what kind of plant is a nuclear plant, I know all plants – you know I’ve got green fingers – and I’m very good with plants, trees etc, I love gardening and I’ve never heard of this kind of plant.” We explained to her that it’s nothing to do with plants in gardening, it’s about nuclear power. So she laughed as well. And following morning she came to the office and she said: “I bought a new plant, but I made sure that it wasn’t nuclear”. rock -druh hudby, velký i malý kámen, skála, kostka ledu plant - rostlina, kytka a nuclear plant - jaderná elektrárna I’ve got green fingers - vášnivá a dobrá zahradnice drill - vrtačka, vrták fire drill - požární cvičení coach - zájezdový autobus (nikoliv městská linka) football coach - fotbalový trenér boot - vyšší bota (pohorky, kozačky) car boot - zavazadlový prostor, kufr auta SOME WORDS CAN HAVE SEVERAL MEANINGS, BUT ALSO SEVERAL FUNCTIONS. FOR EXAMPLE, ‘PLANT’ CAN BE A NOUN, AS WELL AS A VERB. Cvičení 4 Zakončete podle smyslu: 1. He’s a footballer now, but in the future he wants to train footballers, he wants to be.... 2. I need two holes on this wall for the bookcase so I’m going to use ... 3. When you drive to the country, make sure you have a spare tyre in your....