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Obrázek epizody Programme 2  - Words with similar pronunciation

Confusing English – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Programme 2 - Words with similar pronunciation

Obrázek epizody Programme 2  - Words with similar pronunciation

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18. 8. 2019

5 min

We were sitting and I just said: “Well, my ankle is in a really bad shape today. It must be because of the 3-hour session in the gym.” Of course I thought he understood clearly what I meant. But he replied: “So how old is your uncle?” I decided to make a joke and I said: ‘Well, it’s of course my age.’ When we left the pub later on and we were saying goodbye, when I was leaving he said: ‘And of course when you see your uncle, wish him well’. ankle - kotník uncle - strýc sth is in a really bad shape - mít (část těla) zraněnu joke - vtip wish him well - popřej mu, ať se uzdraví rice (rajs) - rýže rise (rajz) - stoupnout, zvednout I will have some chicken and rice for dinner. salary - plat My salary will rise by 5% next year. beans - fazole bins - odpadkové koše to provide - poskytnout Put old newspapers in the bins provided. I always have baked beans for breakfast. back - zpátky, záda bag - pytel, taška I left my keys in my bag. to hurt - zranit I fell yesterday and I hurt my back. pronunciation - výslovnost recorded material - natočený materiál to compare - porovnat YOU CAN PRACTISE YOUR PRONUNCIATION BY LISTENING TO ORIGINAL RECORDED MATERIAL AND THEN RECORDING YOUR OWN PRONUNCIATION. THIS WAY YOU CAN COMPARE AND CORRECT THE WAY YOU PRONOUNCE WORDS IN ENGLISH Cvičení Přeložte do (české) češtiny a potom si to sami přeložte zpátky do (anglické) angličtiny 1. I will have some chicken and rice for dinner. 2. My salary will rise by 5% next year. 3. Put old newspapers in the bins provided. 4. I always have baked beans for breakfast. 5. I left my keys in my bag. 6. I fell yesterday and I hurt my back.