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Obrázek epizody Conflicted Community: Q&A – Hassan Nasrallah Assassinated and the Middle East on the Brink


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Conflicted Community: Q&A – Hassan Nasrallah Assassinated and the Middle East on the Brink

Obrázek epizody Conflicted Community: Q&A – Hassan Nasrallah Assassinated and the Middle East on the Brink

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2. 10. 2024

38 min

Thomas and Aimen are back with a vital Q&A as the Middle East enters its most dangerous and precarious moment in recent memory. Israel’s 12 day operation, beginning with an extraordinary operation that blew up thousands of Hezbollah pagers across Lebanon, then escalated this week with the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a huge strike on Hezbollah’s headquarters in Southern Lebanon. The head of the Hezbollah snake has been cut off, and the repercussions are already being felt. This week we answer your questions on what this watershed moment means for Lebanon, the wider Middle East and indeed the world, as Israel continues its operations. Will Iran and its nuclear programme be next in Israel’s crosshairs? And what next for the Lebanese state? To listen to the full episode, you’ll need to subscribe to the Conflicted Community. And don’t forget, subscribers can also join our Conflicted Community chatroom, where you can interact with fellow dearest listeners, discuss episodes past and future, get exclusive messages from Thomas and Aimen, ask future Q&A questions and so much more. All the information you need to sign up is on this link:  Find us on Twitter: And Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit