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Obrázek epizody Business Leaders - Hugh Campbell

New Thinking: Leaders

Right Angles


Business Leaders - Hugh Campbell

Obrázek epizody Business Leaders - Hugh Campbell

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1. 3. 2021

47 min

O epizodě podcastu

Hugh Campbell is managing partner and co-founder of GP Bullhound. Founded in 2001, and with ten offices across Europe, the US and Asia, the technology advisory and investment firm specialises in software, fintech, digital services. Spending his career in finance, he began by working on mergers and acquisitions at Citibank, before moving across to Goldman Sachs as part of their equity research team. In this in-depth conversation, Hugh reflects on the reality of working in investment banking today, including what happens behind-the-scenes; describes the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic and lockdown, whilst noticing a positive growth in digital transformation; and looks toward the future, including goals, concerns and excitement for advising rising entrepreneurs.

Hugh Campbell is managing partner and co-founder of GP Bullhound. Founded in 1999, and with ten offices across Europe, the US and Asia, the technology advisory and investment firm specialises in software, fintech, digital services. Spending his career in finance, he began by working on mergers and acquisitions at Citibank, before moving across to Goldman Sachs as part of their equity research team. In this in-depth conversation, Hugh reflects on the reality of working in investment banking today, including what happens behind-the-scenes; describes the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic and lockdown, whilst noticing a positive growth in digital transformation; and looks toward the future, including goals, concerns and excitement for advising rising entrepreneurs.