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Obrázek epizody Hélène Goessaert: I like taking a risk…  there is a way out of every crisis

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Hélène Goessaert: I like taking a risk… there is a way out of every crisis

Obrázek epizody Hélène Goessaert: I like taking a risk…  there is a way out of every crisis

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4. 3. 2021

28 min

Listen to a podcast with Hélène Goessaert and learn why it's good to belong to a theatre group and why a walk around the block is not a bad thing at all. Hear about the riskiest decisions she has ever made and how she loves decision-making at work, with fairness and respect always playing a major role. Hélène Goessaert is member of the Board of Directors in ČSOB responsible for risk management.