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Obrázek podcastu 7 Laws

Podcast 7 Laws

10 epizod

1 odběratel

Obrázek epizody #10: The enigma of the oldest pyramid in history

#10: The enigma of the oldest pyramid in history

3. 10. 2024

21 min

Obrázek epizody #9: Draghi’s view of Europe in the next period

#9: Draghi’s view of Europe in the next period

26. 9. 2024

34 min

Obrázek epizody #8: Samuel Huntington and the clash of civilizations

#8: Samuel Huntington and the clash of civilizations

19. 9. 2024

20 min

Obrázek epizody #7: Leopold Pospíšil: The Czech who founded antropology of law

#7: Leopold Pospíšil: The Czech who founded antropology of law

12. 9. 2024

22 min

Obrázek epizody #6: Australia is the cradle of civilisation and why we forget it

#6: Australia is the cradle of civilisation and why we forget it

5. 9. 2024

29 min

Obrázek epizody #5: Where did the Egyptian civilization disappear to, and why does it leave a void for many centuries?

#5: Where did the Egyptian civilization disappear to, and why does it leave a void for many centuries?

29. 8. 2024

27 min

Obrázek epizody #4: The collapse of 1177 BC, which bears very similarities to our civilization

#4: The collapse of 1177 BC, which bears very similarities to our civilization

22. 8. 2024

25 min

Obrázek epizody #3: The world is on fire. What happens when crises and wars come together?

#3: The world is on fire. What happens when crises and wars come together?

15. 8. 2024

31 min

Obrázek epizody #2: Why does the contemporary world lack leadership and how will it affect civilization?

#2: Why does the contemporary world lack leadership and how will it affect civilization?

8. 8. 2024

28 min

Obrázek epizody #1: A podcast that helps you to understand civilizations and the worlds around us

#1: A podcast that helps you to understand civilizations and the worlds around us

1. 8. 2024

27 min