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Obrázek epizody 5:59 v originále: Julia Ioffe on Russia, Ukraine and Putin


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5:59 v originále: Julia Ioffe on Russia, Ukraine and Putin

Obrázek epizody 5:59 v originále: Julia Ioffe on Russia, Ukraine and Putin

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25. 2. 2023

26 min

O epizodě podcastu

Ukraine marked one year since the start of Russia's invasion on Friday. The conflict has become the worst in Europe since the World War Two. Where is it headed? Julia Ioffe, Russia analyst and Puck correspondent, on the motivation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and consequences of the war for international security.

Host: Julia Ioffe - Founding partner and Washington correspondent of Puck

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Ukraine marked one year since the start of Russia's invasion on Friday. The conflict has become the worst in Europe since the World War Two. Where is it headed? Julia Ioffe, Russia analyst and Puck correspondent, on the motivation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and consequences of the war for international security.Host: Julia Ioffe - Founding partner and Washington correspondent of PuckČlánek a další informace najdete na webu Seznam Zprávy (odkaz na článek: Sledujte nás na sociálních sítích Twitter a Instagram. Náměty a připomínky nám můžete psát na e-mail