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Obrázek epizody 5:59 v originále: Julia Ioffe on Russia after Navalny's death


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5:59 v originále: Julia Ioffe on Russia after Navalny's death

Obrázek epizody 5:59 v originále: Julia Ioffe on Russia after Navalny's death

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23. 2. 2024

24 min

O epizodě podcastu

The family of the deceased Russian opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, is locked in a grim battle with the Russian authorities over the politician's body. Lyudmila Navalnaya, Mr Navalny's mother, has been making efforts to recover the remains of her deceased son since last Saturday, directly at the prison colony in the Russian Arctic where Navalny died. She confirmed that she was allowed to see her son's body and was shown a medical report that said Navalny died of natural causes. Meanwhile, Yulia Navalnaya, the late opposition leader's widow, has vowed to continue her husband's work to challenge Putin's autocratic rule. How well known is Navalnaya in Russia? Does she have a chance to unite the opposition in Russia and abroad?

Host: Julia Ioffe - American journalist, founding partner and Washington correspondent of Puck

Článek a další informace najdete na webu Seznam Zprávy .

The family of the deceased Russian opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, is locked in a grim battle with the Russian authorities over the politician's body. Lyudmila Navalnaya, Mr Navalny's mother, has been making efforts to recover the remains of her deceased son since last Saturday, directly at the prison colony in the Russian Arctic where Navalny died. She confirmed that she was allowed to see her son's body and was shown a medical report that said Navalny died of natural causes. Meanwhile, Yulia Navalnaya, the late opposition leader's widow, has vowed to continue her husband's work to challenge Putin's autocratic rule. How well known is Navalnaya in Russia? Does she have a chance to unite the opposition in Russia and abroad?Guest: Julia Ioffe - American journalist, founding partner and Washington correspondent of Puck Článek a další informace najdete na webu Seznam Zprávy.Sledujte nás na sociálních sítích X (Twitter), Instagram nebo Threads. Náměty a připomínky nám můžete psát na e-mail