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20. 9. 2024, svátek má Oleg, zítra Matouš

+ 44:23
Obrázek epizody Ep 3: Ivan Lendl - Anybody Can Win When Everything Goes Their Way, But The Champions Win When Things Don't Go Their Way

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 3: Ivan Lendl - Anybody Can Win When Everything Goes Their Way, But The Champions Win When Things Don't Go Their Way

29. 4. 2020

44 min

+ 1:36:23
Obrázek epizody Ep 2 Darren Cahill - You Need to Coach the Player Through the Player's Eyes

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 2 Darren Cahill - You Need to Coach the Player Through the Player's Eyes

22. 4. 2020

52 min

+ 2:28:23
Obrázek epizody Ep 2: Darren Cahill - You Need to Coach the Player Through the Player's Eyes

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 2: Darren Cahill - You Need to Coach the Player Through the Player's Eyes

22. 4. 2020

52 min

+ 2:29:13
Obrázek epizody Welcome to the The Real DNA Podcast

The Real DNA Podcast

Welcome to the The Real DNA Podcast

19. 4. 2020

50 sec

+ 3:10:03
Obrázek epizody Ep 1: 'Ked nemas urobit nieco poriadne, tak to radsej nerob vobec' M. Lasica

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 1: 'Ked nemas urobit nieco poriadne, tak to radsej nerob vobec' M. Lasica

18. 4. 2020

40 min