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20. 9. 2024, svátek má Oleg, zítra Matouš

+ 25:43
Obrázek epizody Ep 19: Special Episode: Toni Nadal - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 19: Special Episode: Toni Nadal - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

10. 10. 2020

25 min

+ 1:02:47
Obrázek epizody Ep 18 Michael Chang Special Episode - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 18 Michael Chang Special Episode - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

2. 10. 2020

37 min

+ 1:39:51
Obrázek epizody Ep 18: Special Episode: Michael Chang - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 18: Special Episode: Michael Chang - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

2. 10. 2020

37 min

+ 2:18:20
Obrázek epizody Ep 17 The Bryan Brothers - Luckily We Compliment Each Other Really Well

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 17 The Bryan Brothers - Luckily We Compliment Each Other Really Well

5. 9. 2020

38 min

+ 2:56:49
Obrázek epizody Ep 17 The Bryan Brothers - Luckily We Compliment Each Other ReallyWell

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 17 The Bryan Brothers - Luckily We Compliment Each Other ReallyWell

5. 9. 2020

38 min

+ 3:35:18
Obrázek epizody Ep 17: The Bryan Brothers - Luckily We Compliment Each Other Really Well

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 17: The Bryan Brothers - Luckily We Compliment Each Other Really Well

5. 9. 2020

38 min

+ 4:13:11
Obrázek epizody Ep 16 Peter Bondra - You Need to Be Honest and Respectable

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 16 Peter Bondra - You Need to Be Honest and Respectable

29. 8. 2020

37 min

+ 4:51:04
Obrázek epizody Ep 16: Peter Bondra - You Need to be Honest and Respectable

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 16: Peter Bondra - You Need to be Honest and Respectable

29. 8. 2020

37 min

+ 5:33:21
Obrázek epizody U Baru s Tomášem Berdychem

U Baru

U Baru s Tomášem Berdychem

23. 8. 2020

42 min

+ 5:53:41
Obrázek epizody Ep 15 Daniela Hantuchova - What Does Traveling Mean To Me Personally

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 15 Daniela Hantuchova - What Does Traveling Mean To Me Personally

22. 8. 2020

20 min

+ 6:14:01
Obrázek epizody Ep 15: Daniela Hantuchova - What Does Traveling Mean to Me Personally

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 15: Daniela Hantuchova - What Does Traveling Mean to Me Personally

22. 8. 2020

20 min

+ 7:14:35
Obrázek epizody U Baru s Aňou Geislerovou

U Baru

U Baru s Aňou Geislerovou

16. 8. 2020

1 hod

+ 7:38:21
Obrázek epizody Ep 14 Linda Nývltová - I Really Wanted Something In My Hand That I Would Be Creating

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 14 Linda Nývltová - I Really Wanted Something In My Hand That I Would Be Creating

8. 8. 2020

23 min

+ 8:02:07
Obrázek epizody Ep 14: Linda Nývltová - I Really Wanted Something in My Hand That I Would Be Creating

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 14: Linda Nývltová - I Really Wanted Something in My Hand That I Would Be Creating

8. 8. 2020

23 min

+ 8:39:01
Obrázek epizody Ep 13 Stan Smith - The DNA of a Roland Garros Legend

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 13 Stan Smith - The DNA of a Roland Garros Legend

1. 8. 2020

36 min

+ 9:15:55
Obrázek epizody Ep 13: Special Episode: Stan Smith - The DNA of a Roland Garros Legend

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 13: Special Episode: Stan Smith - The DNA of a Roland Garros Legend

1. 8. 2020

36 min

+ 10:16:30
Obrázek epizody U Baru s Petrem Pálou

U Baru

U Baru s Petrem Pálou

25. 7. 2020

1 hod

+ 10:32:30
Obrázek epizody Ep 12 Garbiñe Muguruza Special Episode - The DNA Of A Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 12 Garbiñe Muguruza Special Episode - The DNA Of A Roland Garros Champion

25. 7. 2020

16 min

+ 10:48:30
Obrázek epizody Ep 12: Special Episode: Garbiñe Muguruza - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 12: Special Episode: Garbiñe Muguruza - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

25. 7. 2020

16 min

+ 11:58:39
Obrázek epizody Ep 11 Gustavo Kuerten Special Episode - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 11 Gustavo Kuerten Special Episode - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

18. 7. 2020

1 hod 10 min

+ 13:08:48
Obrázek epizody Ep 11: Special Episode: Gustavo Kuerten - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 11: Special Episode: Gustavo Kuerten - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

18. 7. 2020

1 hod 10 min

+ 13:20:05
Obrázek epizody Tenisový kemp U Baru (speciální epizoda)

U Baru

Tenisový kemp U Baru (speciální epizoda)

17. 7. 2020

11 min

+ 14:14:13
Obrázek epizody U Baru s Andreou Sestini Hlaváčkovou

U Baru

U Baru s Andreou Sestini Hlaváčkovou

12. 7. 2020

54 min

+ 14:38:49
Obrázek epizody EP 10 Chris Evert Special Episode - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

EP 10 Chris Evert Special Episode - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

11. 7. 2020

24 min

+ 15:03:25
Obrázek epizody Ep 10: Special Episode: Chris Evert - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

The Real DNA Podcast

Ep 10: Special Episode: Chris Evert - The DNA of a Roland Garros Champion

11. 7. 2020

24 min