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Obrázek epizody Richard Jones: I try to support Czech rugby as much as I can

What The Czech

Youradio Talk



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Richard Jones: I try to support Czech rugby as much as I can

Obrázek epizody Richard Jones: I try to support Czech rugby as much as I can

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27. 4. 2020

28 min

O epizodě podcastu

Proud Welshman Richard Jones first came to the Czech Republic in 1991, and has since fallen in love with the country. A key financial services adviser for PwC, Richard has now lived in the Czech Republic for over 20 years in total, and he holds Czech citizenship. In this episode, we discuss his first impressions of the country he first visited in the early 1990s as a tourist, and how these have changed over time. We examine Richard’s initial struggles with the Czech language, his adventures to the local pub in Vlašim, and funny experiences at Czech rugby matche