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Obrázek epizody Vinohradská 12 v originále: Endless war on terror

Vinohradská 12

Český rozhlas


Vinohradská 12 v originále: Endless war on terror

Obrázek epizody Vinohradská 12 v originále: Endless war on terror

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11. 9. 2021

24 min

O epizodě podcastu

Páteční epizoda v originálním znění: As the US marks 20 years since the attacks on New York and Washington, there is a growing debate about the overall price of the war on terror. How far are we from the end of the global war on terror? Lenka Kabrhelová speaks with Samuel Moyn, professor of law and history at Yale University.
Páteční epizoda v originálním znění: As the US marks 20 years since the attacks on New York and Washington, there is a growing debate about the overall price of the war on terror. How far are we from the end of the global war on terror? Lenka Kabrhelová speaks with Samuel Moyn, professor of law and history at Yale University.

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