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Obrázek epizody Mini: Amarna International (Part II)

The History of Egypt Podcast

Dominic Perry




Mini: Amarna International (Part II)

Obrázek epizody Mini: Amarna International (Part II)

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10. 5. 2022

25 min

O epizodě podcastu

Mediterranean, Aegean, Pirates. In the 14th Century BCE, records from Egypt hint at piracy and raiding across the sea. And artistic images even show Mycenaeans(?) at the pharaoh's court. All of this may reflect the history behind great stories like the Odyssey...

Date: c.1400 - 1300 BCE. Music: Michael Levy, "Odysseus and the Sirens," . Audio editing by . See the "Mycenaean Papyrus" at the British Museum website .

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Mediterranean, Aegean, Pirates. In the 14th Century BCE, records from Egypt hint at piracy and raiding across the sea. And artistic images even show Mycenaeans(?) at the pharaoh's court. All of this may reflect the history behind great stories like the Odyssey... Date: c.1400 - 1300 BCE. Music: Michael Levy, "Odysseus and the Sirens," Audio editing by See the "Mycenaean Papyrus" at the British Museum website. Mycenaean pottery from Amarna, at the Petrie Museum University College London. Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit