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Obrázek epizody Mini: Amarna International (Part I)

The History of Egypt Podcast

Dominic Perry




Mini: Amarna International (Part I)

Obrázek epizody Mini: Amarna International (Part I)

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27. 4. 2022

36 min

O epizodě podcastu

Egypt, Canaan, Babylon, Assyria. In the 14th Century BCE, travellers criss-crossed the world. Many came to Egypt for diplomacy, trade, and to live. In this episode, we explore three short stories relating to Egypt and its neighbours...

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Egypt, Canaan, Babylon, Assyria. In the 14th Century BCE, travellers criss-crossed the world. Many came to Egypt for diplomacy, trade, and to live. In this episode, we explore three short stories relating to Egypt and its neighbours... Episode details Pictures and references at Support the show at Music intro: Michael Levy, "Babylonian Banquet" and "The Magic of Marduk," Select References The Egyptian-Akkadian Phrasebook: S. Izre’el, The Amarna Scholarly Texts (1997). Assyria Joins the Scene: Amarna Letter EA15, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Aper-el, Pharaoh's Man: Alain Zivie, 2018, Biblical Archaeology Review. Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit