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Obrázek epizody The people who caused the climate crisis aren't the ones who will fix it | Angela Mahecha Adrar

TED Talks Daily







The people who caused the climate crisis aren't the ones who will fix it | Angela Mahecha Adrar

Obrázek epizody The people who caused the climate crisis aren't the ones who will fix it | Angela Mahecha Adrar

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24. 2. 2021

12 min

Corporations and big business have wrecked the environment, but disadvantaged communities living in "sacrifice zones" -- urban areas heavily polluted and poisoned by industry -- are paying the price, says climate justice leader Angela Mahecha Adrar. Explaining why racial and economic justice must be at the center of climate action, she takes us to the frontline communities that are leading the world to clean, innovative and just climate solutions -- like Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad, a local farm co-op in Washington that's disrupting the multibillion-dollar berry business.