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Obrázek epizody Jellyfish stings

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Jellyfish stings

Obrázek epizody Jellyfish stings

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18. 8. 2019

5 min

Professor David Worral: Most jellyfish have a sting of sorts and some are lethally dangerous such as the famous, notorious box jellyfish. What happens, if the, these box jellyfish touch you with their long tentacles, the tentacles will be broken off and the tentacles have thousands of little stinging cells. So, the point of first aid here is to stop those stinging cells discharging venom through the skin which in exceptional circumstances can cause rapid death, and the very best thing you can do is to slosh a whole lot of vinegar or dilute acetic acid on the skin. Vocabulary: sting, stinging - bodlina/žihadlo, spálit/bodnout Most jellyfish have a sting of sorts. - Většina medúz dokáže člověka žahnout. lethally dangerous - smrtelně nebezpečný the notorious box jellyfish - nechvalně známá (proslulá) hranatka tentacles - chapadla The tentacles have thousands of little stinging cells. - Chapadla obsahují tisíce žahavých buněk. discharge venom - vypouštět, vylučovat jed to slosh - nalít, propláchnout vinegar - ocet dilute acetic acid - zředěná kyselina octová The very best thing you can do is to slosh a whole lot of vinegar or dilute acetic acid on the skin. - Nejlepší je polít postižené místo octem, či zředěnou kyselinou octovou.