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Obrázek epizody Los niños de los desaparecidos (The Children of the Disappeared)

Duolingo Spanish Podcast





Los niños de los desaparecidos (The Children of the Disappeared)

Obrázek epizody Los niños de los desaparecidos (The Children of the Disappeared)

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21. 5. 2020

26 min

O epizodě podcastu

As the child of adoptive parents in 1980s Argentina, Tatiana Sfiligoy knew her family situation was unique. But it would be another decade before she uncovered the truth about what happened to her biological parents — including the role her country played in their disappearance.

A transcript of this episode is available at

As the child of adoptive parents in 1980s Argentina, Tatiana Sfiligoy knew her family situation was unique. But it would be another decade before she uncovered the truth about what happened to her biological parents — including the role her country played in their disappearance.

A transcript of this episode is available at .