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Obrázek epizody Cola Wars Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

Parcast Network

True Crime





Cola Wars Pt. 2

Obrázek epizody Cola Wars Pt. 2

Poslechněte si podcast

10. 3. 2021

38 min

O epizodě podcastu

New Coke was one of the biggest commercial flops in American history, and a massive success for Coca-Cola. Executives collected huge bonuses while original Coke sales spiked. Which leads some to wonder: Was New Coke's failure the plan all along? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
New Coke was one of the biggest commercial flops in American history, and a massive success for Coca-Cola. Executives collected huge bonuses while original Coke sales spiked. Which leads some to wonder: Was New Coke's failure the plan all along? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit