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Obrázek epizody Business Leaders - Sol Kumin

New Thinking: Leaders

Right Angles


Business Leaders - Sol Kumin

Obrázek epizody Business Leaders - Sol Kumin

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22. 5. 2020

59 min

Sol Kumin has spent his career in the financial services industry, and is a thoroughbred racehorse owner and philanthropist. A graduate of Johns Hopkins, he began his career in finance at Lazard Asset Management and then Sanford C. Bernstein. In 2005, he joined SAC Capital as managing director and was later chief operating officer. At the end of 2014, he founded hedge fund Folger Hill Asset Management with more than $1 billion from investors, serving as CEO until 2018 when the firm was merged with Schonfeld Strategic Investors. He added the role of chief strategy officer for Leucadia Asset Management LLC and is currently the firm’s co-president. Sol bought his first filly in 2014 and has rapidly become one of the most successful racehorse owners in the US, including Preakness winner Exaggerator, Triple Crown winner Justify, Travers winner Catholic Boy and champion fillies Lady Eli, Monomoy Girl, Midnight Bisou, Uni and British Idiom. In this in-depth interview, he talks about the lasting influence of his first job out of college, describes his experience running Folger Hill Asset Management and explains the business focus and practicality he has brought to owning a high-performing stable of prize-winning horses.