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Obrázek epizody Business Leaders - Hugh Edwards and Peter Dickson

New Thinking: Leaders

Right Angles


Business Leaders - Hugh Edwards and Peter Dickson

Obrázek epizody Business Leaders - Hugh Edwards and Peter Dickson

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21. 9. 2021

50 min

Hugh Edwards and Peter Dickson are co-founders of Reattendance. Founded in 2016, the events platform helps companies host in-person, hybrid and online-only events. Before their latest joint venture, Hugh had a long career in the industry, having worked on over 300 projects and counting; and Peter earned his moniker; ‘voiceover man’, narrating prime-time shows including The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent and by being one of the world’s leading live event announcers. In this in-depth conversation, they reflect on the development of both their revolutionary events platform and their working relationship - noting the importance of providing customers with a hyper-personalised experience, and one which doesn’t suffer from its online components; explain the impact COVID-19 has had on sector, what this means for the future of hybrid, and their commitment to being “open, honest and transparent;” and discuss the continually growing and evolving events space, and how altruism comes into the product that they offer.