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Obrázek podcastu What The Czech

Podcast What The Czech

8 epizod

87 odběratelů

What The Czech is a new podcast on Youradio Talk which looks at cultural, social, and general differences between the Czech Republic and other countries around the world. What makes life in the Czech Republic so unique? What is it like to live there as a foreigner? How
Obrázek epizody Maella: The weather in London took me the longest to get used to

Maella: The weather in London took me the longest to get used to

27. 4. 2020

9 min

Obrázek epizody Richard Jones: I try to support Czech rugby as much as I can

Richard Jones: I try to support Czech rugby as much as I can

27. 4. 2020

28 min

Obrázek epizody Milan Slezák: New York is a whole different world

Milan Slezák: New York is a whole different world

27. 4. 2020

26 min

Obrázek epizody Jiří Hošek: In Britain, you definitely get the feeling of being like a second-class journalist on a daily basis

Jiří Hošek: In Britain, you definitely get the feeling of being like a second-class journalist on a daily basis

27. 4. 2020

30 min

Obrázek epizody Tonya Graves: I definitely feel safer as a woman in the Czech Republic than the United States

Tonya Graves: I definitely feel safer as a woman in the Czech Republic than the United States

8. 6. 2020

40 min

Obrázek epizody James Harries: If you play a tour with 20 shows, 18 are great, one is so-so, and one is just weird!

James Harries: If you play a tour with 20 shows, 18 are great, one is so-so, and one is just weird!

12. 6. 2020

32 min

Obrázek epizody Gabriel Matula: A great photograph needs to have a soul

Gabriel Matula: A great photograph needs to have a soul

30. 7. 2020

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Obrázek epizody Ronnie and Jitka Stiles: We normally give ourselves three years to really get to know a place

Ronnie and Jitka Stiles: We normally give ourselves three years to really get to know a place

7. 9. 2020

23 min