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Obrázek epizody Blockchain with Max Kordek - JSJ 529

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Blockchain with Max Kordek - JSJ 529

Obrázek epizody Blockchain with Max Kordek - JSJ 529

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26. 4. 2022

1 hod 5 min

O epizodě podcastu

In this episode, we talk with Max Kordek of Lisk, a leading expert on Blockchain. You’ll learn about what a Blockchain is, how it works, and the benefits of using it. There is also discussion on the opportunities that blockchain presents for the JavaScript developer. How does blockchain work as a decentralized ledger accessed across the world? We discuss how it operates without a central authority - everyone who participates in the network has the financial incentive that no one lies. This creates data that is secure and has integrity. Everything runs on a neutral protocol - no one can manipulate it. No interference from a third party. What is best suited for blockchain? With real-world examples, we discuss what major industries currently benefit - and where there is potential. Blockchain software development kits are available for developers to discover what blockchain can be used for. Logics and Libraries available to the large world of JS developers. Don't forget the lisk.js event this summer, and make sure to visit @maxkordek on Twitter at Sponsors Top End Devs ( Coaching | Top End Devs ( Links Twitter: Max Kordek ( @maxkordek ) ( Twitter: Lisk ( @LiskHQ ) ( on Discord Picks AJ- Web3 Is Going Just Great ( AJ- The Great Blockchain Debate ( AJ - The Line Goes Up Documentary AJ - How the Crypto Story Ends ( AJ- Creeds of Craftsmanship ( Follow CoolAJ86 Live Streams: YouTube: Twitch: Follow Beyond Code: YouTube: Twitter: Charles- Pandemic Legacy Season Zero on Amazon ( Charles- BoardGameGeek ( Charles- Beyond Code Bootcamp ( Charles - Top End Devs Summit in June Charles - JS Remote Conference in July Charles- Rails 7 - Q & A in August *Charles- Rails 7 - Q & A in August Charles- Podio ( Max- Bitcoin 2022 Crypto Conference ( Special Guest: Max Kordek.
In this episode, we talk with Max Kordek of Lisk, a leading expert on Blockchain. You’ll learn about what a Blockchain is, how it works, and the benefits of using it. There is also discussion on the opportunities that blockchain presents for the JavaScript developer.How does blockchain work as a decentralized ledger accessed across the world? We discuss how it operates without a central authority - everyone who participates in the network has the financial incentive that no one lies. This creates data that is secure and has integrity. Everything runs on a neutral protocol - no one can manipulate it. No interference from a third party.What is best suited for blockchain? With real-world examples, we discuss what major industries currently benefit - and where there is potential. Blockchain software development kits are available for developers to discover what blockchain can be used for. Logics and Libraries available to the large world of JS developers. Don't forget the lisk.js event this summer, and make sure to visit @maxkordek on Twitter at .Sponsors Links Picks Special Guest: Max Kordek.Sponsored By:

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