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Obrázek podcastu Byzzwords

Podcast Byzzwords

6 epizod

1 odběratel

Which buzzwords are relevant to you, to your business and why you should care. Byzzwords – the best podcast pro marketing enthusiasts.
Obrázek epizody Michal Rulík /Salesforce/: "Nobody wants to be considered just one of many"

Michal Rulík /Salesforce/: "Nobody wants to be considered just one of many"

12. 1. 2023

31 min

Obrázek epizody David Vopelka /DataSentics/: "Companies love the solution but not the problem"

David Vopelka /DataSentics/: "Companies love the solution but not the problem"

13. 3. 2023

36 min

Obrázek epizody Jan Romportl: "Is AI going to be a real-life threat in 2029?  "

Jan Romportl: "Is AI going to be a real-life threat in 2029? "

2. 5. 2023

40 min

Obrázek epizody Jan Romportl: "Is AI going to be a real-life threat in 2029?"

Jan Romportl: "Is AI going to be a real-life threat in 2029?"

4. 5. 2023

40 min

Obrázek epizody Michaela Polach – From Game to Gain: Applying Gamification in Business

Michaela Polach – From Game to Gain: Applying Gamification in Business

26. 6. 2023

28 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. Katz: Exploring the Future of Business – Social Hybrids, Gamification, and Making a Difference

Dr. Katz: Exploring the Future of Business – Social Hybrids, Gamification, and Making a Difference

14. 12. 2023

31 min